Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ways to Increase your Internet Speed

With Internet access becoming more important every day, it's never been more crucial that you have a high-speed, accessible networking solution to grant you instant access to the Internet. There are a variety of ways to increase your Internet speed. Again, some are simpler than others but in this day and age every inch counts. There are tons of them out there, but this article just lays out some of the most useful ones.

Ways to Increase your Internet Speed

How to Increase your Internet Speed :

  • Traffic Balancing : Looking to avoid overload and minimize response time? Load Balancing solutions make use of multiple components to heighten reliability through redundancy.
  • Prioritization : Application and data prioritization can be used to ensure that business critical applications remain steady and fluid even through peak traffic. By establishing a pecking order you are able to increase speed by setting your web browser’s priority higher than other applications.
  • Optimizing your Cache : When you visit a company’s website with the same main logo on every page, your browser temporarily stores this image so it’s only downloaded once rather than every time you visit a new page. Your Internet connection is quickly improved by not having to repeatedly download the same image and optimizing your cache makes the process even more efficient.
  • Increase Security : By adjusting privacy settings on your Internet connection you can ensure that outsiders are unable to connect and ensure that only those who are supposed to connect are in fact, able to. The more devices that are connected to your network typically results in slower loading time while browsing the web.
  • Internet T1 : A speedy alternative to standard Business DSL, T1 services offer higher bandwidth capacity and the option of voice (with integrated networks). If increasing your bandwidth is an option, T1 solutions provide high-speed reliable networking.
  • Ethernet : With the availability of Ethernet over Copper and Ethernet over Fiber solutions with a range of bandwidth configurations from 2Mbps to 100Gbps, there’s an even more efficient alternative to Internet T1 and Business DSL lines.

A Representative from Fastblue is always available to discuss how we can help grow your business and answer any questions you may have about our products or services. Please call us at 888-972-BLUE or Click Here to let us know the best way to contact you.

Image Source: ddpavumba /

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog useful for those who are looking for some tips to increase the speed of their internet connection ...I followed the steps which you shared here and then test the speed of my internet connection using sites like sure i have seen vast difference in my speedtest result compared to my previous one ....
