Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mobile Enhancement

It is safe to say that the Internet has become a growing arena for businesses. While many business owners continue to function and thrive from brick and mortar locations, more and more businesses are being launched everyday exclusively on the web – with no actual physical shop or storefront. Even businesses that do have store fronts are not excluded from this internet take over—it is surely safe to say that in this day in age it is highly unlikely for a business to opt out of having an Internet presence altogether. Shops that rely on foot traffic typically have a home base online to accommodate customers. Customers today expect and demand that they be able to search for and find your business on the web – even if merely to check your store hours, find your address or get your phone number. This is widely known and accepted and most business owners have set up a website to accommodate the demand. However, as Internet technology evolves another issue comes into play.

An advanced Mobile Delivery Solution from Limelight supports popular mobile devices to ensure faster content delivery.

As a business owner you now not only need to consider that potential customers may be looking for your business online, but, you must also take into account which type of device they are using to access the Internet. The use of smart phones has increased rapidly in the past few years. Today, many consumers don’t even sit down at a computer to browse the Internet – they do all or a good majority of their web surfing from their phones! Why not? It seems to be the logical and convenient thing to do as phone internet speed and quality is on par with Internet access quality from a desktop or laptop computer and far more convenient. What does this mean for the business owner? Truthfully, this means that you need to adjust and enhance your website to accommodate every different possible device.

Limelight offers an advanced solution for mobile delivery. If you have a complicated website with streaming video, Limelight will identify the device of the person accessing your site and make the appropriate accommodations. Have you ever tried to access a website on your mobile device and received an error message reading 'this content is undeliverable' or 'not supported on this device'? That will not happen with Limelight Mobile Delivery. Limelight will make the necessary adjustments so quickly that users won’t even notice or be deterred by a delay in content delivery. And, Limelight takes care to support the major mobile networks and popular mobile devices to ensure that everyone has the same pleasurable experience on your site.

Mobile Enhancement encourages more mobile user to engage easily on your site

If you would like to find out more about Limelight's advanced mobile delivery please contact us at Fastblue Communications. We look forward to working with you.

Image Source: www.limelight.com

About Casey Wedge

My name is Casey Wedge and I have been with Fastblue for a few years now. I have maintained a few different positions within the company and although I am currently the Regional Manager of Sales I am very fond of writing and like to stay up to date on whats going on in the world of Telecom.

Aside from work, I have played hockey my whole life so I am decent on the rink and a very average mountain biker. Breakfast foods are my favorite and I enjoy spending time with many fellow UCSB Gaucho Alums – OlĂ©!

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